
While you can buy some hang glider harnesses online, most need to be purchased from a dealer, which will typically be listed on the harness manufacturers website.


Hang glider pilots use an instrument called a “variometer” or a “vario” to determine their altitude. As a student, you won’t need a vario, but once you own a hang glider, you will want a vario on your aircraft.

* Flytec was founded in Switzerland and bought by the Slovenian company NavITer in 2016. Flytec instruments are made at the Flymaster factory in Portugal.


Safety certification tests for airsport helmets (EN966) are one of the lowest in the helmet industry. Therefore, many pilots use downhill mountain bike (ASTM F1952) or ebike helmets (NTA 8776), since they have very stringent safety ratings.

Used Gliders

If you chose to purchase used equipment, make sure to have that gear inspected by an experienced and reputable instructor before using it.

Radio Transceivers

Some airparks require pilots carry a 2-way handheld radio. United States Code, Title 47, Chapter I, Subchapter D, Part 97, Subpart E, permits unlicensed transmissions for the safety of human life.